Light Therapy for birthmark removal

Light Therapy (Intense Pulse Light / IPL) is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of skin (photo-rejuvenation)

It is used for:
 - Vascular lesions including spider angiomas, port wine stains, broken facial veins,    rosy cheeks, rosacea and red thread veins of the legs
 - Freckles and age marks
 - Facial lines and wrinkles
 - Removal of unwanted hair

Our centre is using Light therapy Forte - 718 from Switzerland. 

The Forte - 718 is a state of the art device, who utilized an innovative cooling system for maximal patient comfort and satisfaction. This enables the therapist to apply higher energy rates with perfect safety and insure optimal treatment results.

What does the procedure involve?

Light Therapy treatments are normally straightforward.
 - Avoid sun exposure in the days and weeks before and after treatment.
 - A topical anaesthetic may be applied to the area but is not usually necessary.
 - Cold gel is applied to the area being treated. IPL devices often have integrated      cooling systems.
 -The smooth, glass surface of the IPL treatment head is applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated.
 - Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes. A course of 4-6 sessions every 3-6 weeks may be needed to achieve desired results.
 - Most patients can return to work immediately after treatment

Throughout the treatment session the patient must wear protective eyewear. IPL treatments are relatively painless compared to other facial rejuvenation techniques. The sensation has been likened to a light pinch or the snap of a rubber band.

Side effects are minor and include:

 - Pain during treatment (reduced by contact cooling and if necessary, topical anaesthetic)
 - Skin turning pink and a little sore immediately after the procedure.
 - Sensation of a mild sunburn (redness, peeling, swelling) that may last a few days after treatment.
 - Rarely, skin pigment may absorb too much light energy and blistering can occur.
 - Sometimes the pigment cells (melanocytes) can be damaged leaving darker or paler patches of skin. White patches or scars are rarely permanent.
 - Hair loss may occur.
 - Bruising affects up to 10% of patients

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